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Cab Calloway with daughter, Chris 1981, NYC.jpg
Cab Calloway with daughter, Chris 1981, NYC.jpg

3-10-81- Oneal's club, NYC
Carl Bernstein with sons, Jacob, and Max, New York.jpg
Carl Bernstein with sons, Jacob, and Max, New York.jpg

2-10-87- Premiere of The Inquiry at Cinema 3, NY. The children's mother is Nora Ephron.
Carly Simon 1983- NY 6.jpg
Carly Simon 1983- NY 6.jpg

Feb. 14th, 1983- Announcement for Heartfelt Thanks benefit at Lee Strasberg Institute.
Carol Burnett and daughter, Carrie 1982, NY.jpg
Carol Burnett and daughter, Carrie 1982, NY.jpg

opening of Nine on Broadway, NYC
Caroline Kennedy with friend Martin Kaplan and Robin Leach 1981, NY.jpg
Caroline Kennedy with friend Martin Kaplan and Robin Leach 1981, NY.jpg

June 1, 1981 - premiere of Superman 2, NYC
Carrie Fisher and Dad, Eddie Fisher, 1983, NY.jpg
Carrie Fisher and Dad, Eddie Fisher, 1983, NY.jpg

January 3, 1983- Carrie celebrates her part in Agnes of God on Broadway.

party was held at Sardi's.
Carrie Fisher and Paul Simon 1984, NY 6.jpg
Carrie Fisher and Paul Simon 1984, NY 6.jpg

Broadway opening of The Real Thing, NYC
Carrie Fisher 1990, New York...jpg
Carrie Fisher 1990, New York...jpg

Book party in NYC for Surrender The Pink
Carrie Fisher, Sir John Gielgud, Mark Hamill, 1985, NY.jpg
Carrie Fisher, Sir John Gielgud, Mark Hamill, 1985, NY.jpg

Lincoln Center, NYC
1978-Cary Grant, Hollywood.jpg
1978-Cary Grant, Hollywood.jpg
Catherine Deneuve 1985, NY 4.jpg
Catherine Deneuve 1985, NY 4.jpg

Moore Fashion Awards, Pierre Hotel, NYC
Catherine Oxenberg 1985, NY 1.jpg
Catherine Oxenberg  1985, NY 1.jpg
Cathy Bach 1982 LA.jpg
Cathy Bach 1982 LA.jpg
Charles Aznavour and Shirley Bassey 1981, NY.jpg
Charles Aznavour and Shirley Bassey 1981, NY.jpg

Party at Savoy Nightclub, NYC celebrating Shirley's opening night at Carnegie Hall.
Charlie Sheen 1988 NYC154.jpg
Charlie Sheen 1988 NYC154.jpg

NY Hotel
Charlie Watts , wife, Shirley 1982 NYC.jpg
Charlie Watts , wife, Shirley  1982   NYC.jpg

1982-Rolling Stones drummer at Joanna Restaurant, NY
Cheap Trick , Rick Neilson 1982 NYC.jpg
Cheap Trick , Rick Neilson 1982  NYC.jpg

Hanging out with their new bass player at Epic Records.
Cheap Trick, Rick Nielson 1978 NYC.jpg
Cheap Trick,  Rick Nielson 1978  NYC.jpg

1978 - Rick Neilsen of Cheap Trick outside Studio 54, NY.
Christie Brinkley and Brooke Shields 1983 NYC.jpg
Christie Brinkley and Brooke Shields  1983 NYC.jpg

1983-Supermodels, Christie Brinkley and pal, Brooke Shields party at Studio 54 in New York .
Christopher Atkins 1981, NY 3.jpg
Christopher Atkins 1981, NY 3.jpg

Central Park , NYC
Christopher Walken 1982 NY.jpg
Christopher Walken 1982 NY.jpg
Photos 64-84 of 514. view in sheet mode
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